Thursday 9 May 2019

Kea Patrol Persuasive

WALT: Write within the persuasive writing structure.

                 We Need To Have Kea Patrol In The Afternoons!!

I think that it is vital to have kea patrol in the afternoons because people are
safe when crossing with kea patrol. People could get hurt if there was no kea
patrol. Senior kids who are helping with kea patrol feel good and helpful. Parents
are able to relax because they know that their children are safe doing road patrol.
Kea patrol keeps kids safe.

Everybody must understand that people are safe when crossing with kea patrol!
Traffic stops so kids are safe when kea patrol is happening. Kids are very safe
because they cross with other kids in their school! Teachers watch the children
to make sure the kids are safe. It is important to have kea patrol to keep kids safe.
Most busy kids are so lost in their own thoughts of getting home and after school
programmes that they are not thinking about crossing the road safely.  
If there was no road patrol children could get hurt.
It is crazy to think that  primary school kids would not get
hurt if there was no kea patrol! Cars might not see kids crossing.
Some lonely kids would not be crossing together so there is a bigger
chance of getting hurt! Teachers will not be there so drivers may not
care and will keep driving. I think that it would be terrible if we had no
kea patrol in the afternoons! Kea patrollers love the feeling of helping
young children and seeing that they are safe crossing the road.

I strongly believe helping kids cross the road using kea patrol makes the

people who are doing road patrol feel great! I know this because
I feel great when I help small kids cross the road safely.
Polite kids who are crossing thank the seniors and teachers
that helped them cross. Helping kids cross the road feels great
when someone thanks you. I think that it is a amazing feeling and
more senior kids should help people cross the road doing kea patrol.
It is also an amazing feeling for parents knowing that their primary
school aged children are safe!

It is obvious that all parents feel safe and relaxed when they know
that their children are crossing with road patrol after school.
I know this because kids are crossing with other kids so they are safer.
All kids are being watched by teachers so they are safer.
Kids are not in danger of being hurt when using kea patrol.
This is a good feeling for adults.

In conclusion I think that it is very important to have kea
patrol in the afternoons! All the kids would be in danger of getting hurt.
Older kids who are helping help with kea patrol feel great helping. All  
kids are really safe usin kea patrol and it is important. Parents feel
extremely relaxed knowing that their kids are safe doing road patrol.
I really believe that it is a great thing to have at schools in the afternoons.
By now you should now that kea patrol is the most important thing in New Zealand!

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